If you are looking for help in filling a position related to any industry involving Information Technology including Infrastructure engineers, Software engineers, DBAs, IT Security engineers, IT Auditors & Compliance, we are your first and the last place to contact. You will build a relationship with a recruiting firm that stresses high ethics, hard work, and positive client relations. Our first hand experience in the information technology business translates in perfect matching candidates for your company . Please call us with your hiring needs today at: 1-877 INFOWIRE (463-6947).
Contract-to-Hire Staffing Option
Our clients chose this option to have their cake and eat it, too. You will benefit from the traditional services an employment firm offers with this option to hire the employee permanently. You can observe the employee on the job to determine if he or she is the right fit for the position. After the contract period is complete, the employee can be hired on a permanent basis.
Direct Placement Staffing Option
Through our direct placement staffing services, InfoWire Staffing Service assumes all responsibility for recruiting and screening candidates so you can focus on your business. Our professional recruiters use a range of recruiting resources to select the perfect employee. Companies rely on direct placement options to increase staff for project-based work, and to grow and replenish their workforce.
Professional Services: InfoWire's full range of IT security services provide you with the expertise and analysis to help improve your security posture, facilitate compliance, and improve operational efficiency. Our professional services include IT Audits, risk assessment, IT security program development, remediation, Incident response, disaster recovery and business continuity planning.
Compliance and Regulatory Solutions:
InfoWire's full range of IT security services provide you with professional and managed security services. Our industry-leading vendor relationships enable us to provide you with just the right solution. Our certified security professionals are experienced in compliance matters and are ready to help your organization with the IT security challenges in a very cost effective manner.
Managed Services designed to reduce your costs: Managing and protecting valuable information across your enterprise is a highly complex and costly undertaking. It gets worst for a small or medium sized company with a limited IT budget and resources. While protecting your enterprise and your data from security threats is required by the compliance and safeguarding your client information, managed security is your best, low-cost solution without putting your business operations, compliance objectives, and even financial security at risk.